Contemporary Art: Photography, Discovery, Silence & Sound

78th South

In this project, I am photographing along the entirety of 7800 South in the Salt Lake Valley.  I chose a road that traverses (with a few deviations) the entire valley, from east to west.  This creates a cross-section of sorts, an arbitrary line that passes through leafy suburbs, commercial sprawl, barren scrub meadows, and everything in-between.  I chose a road that passes near my home, because I wanted to come to know it better.  I wanted to find out what I and others drive by every day.  I am not attempting to document this stretch of asphalt but rather to discover it.  As I walk, I hope to find unexpected moments of grace -- a surprising juxtaposition, a sudden cohesion in the structure of a scene, or a whisper of ungrasped meaning from the utterly mundane.